What is the Average Age of Adult Learners in Miami-Dade County, FL?

Poverty was twice as prevalent in Little Haiti and 60% more common in North Miami-Dade than South Miami. The utilization of alternative medicines was significantly higher among respondents from North Miami-Dade compared to those in Little Haiti and South Miami (up 62% and 116%, respectively). The second and third most utilized care centers were an emergency room in North Miami-Dade and Little Haiti, respectively. The age distribution of its inhabitants, combined with a major shift in the leading cause of death in all age groups, from acute to chronic diseases, presents unprecedented healthcare challenges for the state.

These findings support the fact that a large proportion of patients who do not have a life-threatening condition, lack health insurance coverage and do not have an established primary care physician, often go to the emergency room instead of going to an environment more suitable for their condition. The objective of this study is to profile the elderly population living in Miami-Dade County (MDC) through three population and household surveys conducted over the past 5 years. Households in Little Haiti and South Miami had a higher educational level than those in North Miami-Dade. These differences can be explained, at least in part, by the higher educational level and employment status of the head of household, as well as by the overall increase in family income in the South Miami community compared to North Miami-Dade and Little Haiti. Specifically, the proportion of households with at least one current smoker was 32% lower in Little Haiti compared to South Miami, and 54% lower in Little Haiti compared to North Miami-Dade. In order to determine the average age of adult learners in MDC, it is important to consider the age distribution of its residents.

According to data from the U. S. Census Bureau, the median age of adults living in MDC is 40.3 years old. This means that half of all adults living in MDC are older than 40.3 years old, while the other half are younger than 40.3 years old.

Additionally, data from the U. Department of Education shows that adults aged 25 and older make up approximately 70% of all adult learners enrolled in postsecondary education programs in MDC. Therefore, it can be concluded that the average age of adult learners in MDC is likely around 40 years old. This is slightly higher than the national average age for adult learners, which is 38 years old.

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