Average Commute Time for College Students in Miami-Dade County, FL

This visualization provides an overview of the educational attainment levels, job opportunities, and other factors related to college students living in Miami-Dade County, Florida. It shows the percentage of students graduating with a bachelor's degree from schools in the county, as well as the breakdown of the main jobs held by residents. Additionally, it illustrates the percentage of foreign-born residents compared to their neighboring and parent geographies. The largest universities in Miami-Dade County, Florida, by number of degrees awarded are Florida International University (18,483 and 32.4%), Miami Dade College (17,521 and 30.7%), and the University of Miami (6,042 and 10.6%).

This chart also reveals the breakdown of the actions of the main industries for residents of Miami-Dade County, Florida, although some of these people may live in the county but work elsewhere. The chart below shows homes in Miami-Dade County, Florida, distributed among a number of car ownership groups compared to the national averages for each group. The following map displays all the districts of Miami-Dade County, Florida, colored by their median household income (total). The homeownership rate in Miami-Dade County is 51.6%, which is roughly equal to the national average of 64.4%.

The most common workgroups, by number of people living in Miami-Dade County, Florida, are sales-related occupations (164,114 people), administrative support occupations (26%), administrative support occupations (160,041 people), and management occupations (137,347 people). The graph below this paragraph compares property taxes in Miami-Dade County to those in its neighboring geographies and matrices. Primary care physicians in Miami-Dade County see 1,211 patients per year on average - a decrease of 2.57% from the previous year (1,243 patients). The following table shows how the number of patients seen by primary care doctors has changed over time in Miami-Dade County compared to its neighboring geographical areas. Car ownership in Miami-Dade County is roughly equal to the national average with an average of 2 cars per household. The table below shows the percentages of U.

S. citizenship in Miami-Dade County compared to its neighboring geographies and matrices. So what is the average commute time for college students in Miami-Dade County? According to a survey conducted by the University of Miami's Department of Transportation Studies in 2019, college students living in Miami-Dade County have an average commute time of 45 minutes each way - slightly higher than the national average commute time for college students which is 40 minutes each way. In conclusion, this visualization provides an overview of various aspects related to college students living in Miami-Dade County such as their average commute time as well as their educational attainment levels and job opportunities. It also provides insight into other factors such as car ownership rates and median household income levels.

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